马克思的人学思想的形成过程也就是马克思思想逐渐成熟的过程 。马克思从抽象 的人走 向了现实的人 。使得人的自我认识发生计划时代的转向。
一、 “现实的人”思想的提出
“现实的人”思想的萌芽大致在 1843--1844年,体现在马克思所写的《黑格尔法哲学批判》一书和在 《德法年鉴》发表的文章中。1843--1844年这一段时期,马克思关于人的存在思想的基调已经 由黑格尔理性主义转向费尔巴哈的人本主义 ,但“现实的人”的思想已经较明确地提出来了。
黑格尔哲学虽然以思辨的理性主义形式解决了人的“现有”与“应有”之间的矛盾,帮助马克思面向现实使其成为一个理性主义的现实批判主义者,但黑格尔并没有解决实际生活中的人的现实与理想矛盾。马克思在对黑格尔法哲学进行批判时,就借用了费尔巴哈人的本质异化的理论。在研究黑格尔法哲学的过程中,马克思发现 ,国家并不像黑格尔认为的那样是普遍利益与特殊利益一致的表现 ,私人利益战胜普遍理性的事实表 明,国家只不过是主体政治异化的表现 ,是普遍利益和特殊利益矛盾冲突的产物。从主体活动的异化和矛盾的冲突来解释国家现象,标志着马克思已在费尔巴哈的影响下开始从人学角度考虑现实问题。那么“现实的人”究竟指什么?在马克思看来,现实的人当然是“自然和精神、肉体和灵魂”的统一体,但就其本质而言“不是人的胡子、血液、抽象的肉体本性 ,而是人的社会特质,而国家的职能等等只不过是人的社会特质的存在和活动方式”。他同时指出,应当把“人的存在的这些社会形式”如家庭、市民社会、国家等等看 作人的本质的实现,“看作人本质的客体化;” 应当把“人 的活动”“作为家庭和市民社会的成员而存在的那些群体”看作 国家等社会组织的基础,而不是像黑格尔所做的那样,于是人与社会的关系应当是“人永远是一切社会组织的本质,但是这些组织也表现人的现实普遍性,因而是一切人所共有的”。 “因此马克思看到,现实的人并不是单个人的存在 ,而是社会的存在,即类存在——人也 只有在 自己的类存在 中,只有作为人们 ,才能是人格的现实理念。
就这样马克思的早期人学理论以现实 的人为出发点展开了。从现实的人 出发,“而且一刻也不离开这种前提”,这正好体现了逻辑与现实的统一 ,逻辑与历史的统一。如果说有一个完整的体系的话,那么它的理论必然是这样一个无限展开的形式:以现实的人为出发点的序言——以现实的人为核心所展开的论证—— 以现实的人的解放为最终归宿的结论。它坚决鄙弃一切宿命论,把现实的人当作历史的主体,当作历史的“尉中人物和剧作者”,从而打开了历史奥秘的大门。
马克思人学理论创建的进一步发展,体现在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的异化劳动学说中。马克思认为人的本质只有从人的活动 中才能确证,要研究人就要研究人的活动本性 ,而人的活动则是自由自觉的 ,所谓 自由 自觉的活动,就是指人 的合规律性与合 目的性的活动相统一的活动,就是主体按照 自身的需要、价值取向以及对于客体属性规律性认识所构成的目的而进行的感性物质活动。这种感性的物质活动,就是人的对象性活动,在哲学意义上这种对象性活动就是劳动。
马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中指出,劳动是人的本质。但马克思对人之劳动本质的揭示并不是直接的,而是从劳动的否定形式——异化劳动开始的。马克思首先从当时的经济事实出发进行分析 ,把造成资本 主义社会工人 日益贫 困化 ,造成工人与产品对立的原 因归结为异化劳动。“如果工人不是在生产行为本身 中使 自身异化,那么工人活动的产品怎么会作为相异的东西同工人对立呢?产品不过是活动、生产的总结。因此,如果劳动的产品是外化的,那么生产本身必然是能动的外化,或活动的外化,外化的活动。在劳动对象的异化中不过总结了劳动活动本身的异化、外化。”经过这一番分析,马克思不仅揭示出工人贫困的原因是异化劳动,而且提示出在资本主义社会中的异化劳动不是人的真正本质。既然人的本质不是异化劳动,那就应该是劳动。所以,劳动不仅创造了人,而且使人的生产活动有别于动物的生产,使人在保持自然性的同时,又具有了社会性、能动性 。劳动是人的生命活动的方式和内容,是人的本质,“人的类特性恰恰就是自由的自觉的活动”。
在资本主义条件下,“劳动对工人来说是外在的东西,也就是说,不属于他的本质:因此,他在 自己的劳动中不是肯定 自己,而是否定 自己,不是感到幸福而是感到不幸,不是自由地发挥 自己的体力和智力 ,而是使 自己的肉体受折磨精神遭摧残”。因此,他的劳动不是 自愿的劳动 ,而是被迫的强制劳动。也就是说,异化劳动是对人本质的摧残和否定——异化劳动阶段是人的发展的否定阶段。异化劳动使工人从劳动的主体变成了客体,使劳动丧失了自主性,使工人沦为机器,劳动成为工人的沉重负担。异化劳动是对人本质的摧残和否定,所以,要达到人的全面发展就必须实现否定之否定,实现从非人到人的复归。要达到人的本质的复归,就必须扬弃私有财产。“对私有财产的积极的扬弃,作为对人的生命的占有,是一切异化的积极的扬弃,从而是人从宗教、家庭、国家等等向自己的人的存在即社会的存在的复归。”扬弃私有财产,就是使人重新占有己经失去的生命活动。这样,在扬弃了一切异化之后,人的生命活动得到肯定和尊重,人获得了本质的复归。
从《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中表述的思想可 以看出,马克思己开始了对人自身活动的分析,并把人的本质归结为“自由自觉的活动”,并以此为基础,从人的本质出发,分析异化劳动的内容和历史发展的过程。从人的现实活动内在本性上去规定人,批判资本主义制度对人性的摧残和异化,这表明了马克思的现实人的理论已得到初步确立。《1844年经济学哲学手稿》表明马克思已转到费尔巴哈的人本主义立场 ,他把劳动规定为人的本质,根据人的本质——人的本质的异化——人的本质的复归的思维逻辑模式来解释人类社会的发展。
(一 )“现实的人 ”的含 义
所谓“现实的人”,是指在一定社会关系中从事物质生产活动的人。首先 ,“现实的人”是有血有肉、有生命的人。“全部人类历史的第一个前提无疑是有生命 的个人的存在。因此 ,第一个需要确认 的事实就是这些个人的肉体组织以及由此产生的个人对其他自然的关系。”在这里,马克思从历史前提的高度肯定了人的自然存在的意义。人首先是肉体的存在、自然的生命 ,正是这种特殊的自然生命又蕴含着人类全部历史发展演变的基因。其次,“现实的人”是从事物质生产活动的人——这是“现实的人”的最基本的规定性。人是从事活动、进行物质生产的,因而是在一定的物质的、不受他们任意支配的界限、前提和条件下活动着的。人们的存在就是他们的现实生活过程。最后,“现实的人”是处于一定的社会关系和政治关系中的人,历史发展过程中的物质生产关系是现实的人的所有其它规定性的基础。生产一方面表现为自然关系。另一方面是表现为社会关系。这就是说,在生产过程中必然发生与一定的生产力相适应的人与人之间的社会关系,并在此基础上形成经济关系、政治关系等等。
在《德意志意识形态》的论述中,马克思把人当作实践的能动的人来理解,就必然要承认人的存在是全部历史发展中的第一个前提。因为人是处在现实生活中,进行现实的生命活动的现实的人,即现实地存在着的实践的个人,他从事的是人的实践活动,而这种活动必然在历史的发展中起到重要的作用。首先,实践活动中现实的人的存在成为全部历史发展的起点。一旦这种个人存在和活动时,即“一旦人们自己开始生产他们所必需的生活资料的时候 …他们就开始把自己和动物区别开来”“ 而成其为人,因而“任何历史记载都应当从这些自然基础以及他们在历史进程中由于人们的活动而发生的变更出发”。“其次,实践活动中现实的人的存在和生成演化出全部人类历史。个人生产生活资料 的方式在更大程度上是这些个人的一定的生活方式,以一定的方式进行生产活动的个人,发生一定的社会关 系和政治关系,社会结构和国家经常从一定个人 的生活过程 中产生。由此演化 出全部人类历史。最后,实践活动中现实的人的存在产生和构造出人类的精神世界。“观念、思维、人们的精神交往在这里还是人们物质关系的直接产物”。“人们是自己的观念、思想等等的生产者,但这里所说的人们是现实的、从事活动的人们 ,……意识在任何时候都只能是被意识到了的存在,而人们的存在就是他们的实际生活过程。” “ 由此可见,个人,实践活动中现实的人的存在乃是全部人类历史活动及其发展中第一性的东西 。
在《德意志意识形态》的论述中,马克思不再像以往那样,抽象地谈人的类存在,更不像 唯心论者那样谈论想象中的人,而是把人理解为“可用纯粹经验的方法来确定”的“有生命的个人的存在”和“从事活动的人们”,即“现实的人”。马克思通过对现实人的理解 ,从宏观的角度描述了总体性的实践的历史运动过程 ,从而给人类解放的理论提供了总体的基本说明。《德意志意识形态》的人学理论是以唯物史观为基础 ,他的形成是人类思想史上的革命性变革,它实现了从唯心主义人本学到唯物主义人学的根本转变,实现了人学研究对象的根本变革。
马克思的人学理论以“现实的人”为出发点,把“现实的人”当作历史的主体。在他早期的著作中对“现实的人”论述把人从思辨抽象性的人和自然性的人中解放 出来 ,真正赋予了人 以现实本性 ,实现了人本质的复归。现实人的理论是马克思早期哲学的中心点 ,把握这一点 ,就理解了马克思哲学革命的实质。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
1.3 观察指标
1.4 统计方法
采用SPSS 22.0统计学软件对所得数据进行分析,计数资料采用X2检验,并用例数百分比的形式表示,差异有统计学意义(P
2 结果
2.1 比较两组治疗有效率
2.2 护理满意度
3 讨论
Key words:course book evaluation business English
1 Introduction
There are different sets of criteria for the evaluation of business English materials, but they could be categorized into the following five broad issues upon which we base our judgments as to what makes a set of good and appropriate materials. They are: learners, learning, language, teachability and "authenticity". There could be many and varied questions pondered upon in examining our course books and materials surrounding the broad issues, especially the first three ones. For the first issue of learners, we will ask questions like " who are the intended learners for the materials?", "Are the material suitable for this group of learners as the writer claims?". That means we should take into consideration learners' levels, needs, knowledge, cultural background, age and so on. The second issue concerned with material is writers' theories, hypothesis about learning and teaching. In identifying if the materials are desirable or not, we could ask: what attitudes to or expectations about learning English are the materials based on? What learning and teaching techniques can be used with the materials? Does the organization of the units or the content within a unit facilitate the teaching and learning process? Do the activities encourage skill mastery? In terms of the third issue――language, we can look at the range of language and areas covered in the materials and especially examine the writers' assumption about language description. In my analysis of the course book First insights into Business English by Sue Robbins1 ( 2000 ), I intend to give brief yet comprehensive evaluation of the whole course book and a detailed analysis of some individual units all based on criteria surrounding these three principal issues. The three main issues are, to a great extent, related to one another.
2 Targeted Learners and Material Appropriateness
The question raised here is whether the book provides the targeted learners suitable and appropriate materials as a whole. In the introduction part, the book claims it is "a course for students of business English at pre-intermediate to intermediate level." The book, in fact, is suitable in terms of language and most of the subject matter for pre-experience learners of business English who have no company experience and yet who have this level of English and limited knowledge of business related topics. The language focus in the book is on relatively simple language points: from simple present tenses to present perfect, from verb forms to pronunciation such as linkage, sentence stress and weak forms. The range and level of lexical items dealt with are also relevant to the needs and levels of the learners. Although some authentic material presents the learners with some difficult points, but the tasks are made easy to handle. The subject matter areas are concerned with general business contexts possibly related to their future business needs. There are topics of broad range, such as customers, companies, retailing, finance, etc., to name a few. Along with these topics, important communicative skills required in their jobs are presented and practice. The four basic language skills of writing, speaking, reading and listening are practiced through concrete tasks in business contexts: for example, report and CV writing, giving business advice, presenting products, interviewing, reading company profiles, listening to financial details of a company's profit and loss. More in-depth look will be given in the following paragraphs.
3 Organization of the Material
Then, the second question needs addressing is to what extent the organization the book meets both the learning needs and teaching needs. The organization of the content throughout the book is clear, systematic and coherent. The book helps learners to study on their own with table of contents clearly stated and laid out on the first page categorizing the language areas and the skills and topics areas. Learners are further assisted in their self-study with communicative activities, grammar reference, word list and tape scripts included in the students' book at the end. There is a review unit after every three units to help learners to test and consolidate what is learned in the previous three units and the teacher can use the unit to test out both the learners' performance in their learning process as well as the teaching effectiveness.
The twelve units are presented by a combination of the means: each unit deals with a different topic covering related business content, some aspect of language structures and content related vocabulary and skills areas. Each unit has the same key elements: key vocabulary, lead-in, language focus and practice, pronunciation, writing, reading, listening, vocabulary, cross-cultural comparison, business communication and final task. This offers readers opportunity to select their own preferred units for their own respective purposes and clear ideas about the objectives of each section of the lesson and the tasks. It also gives one a sense of progression and achievement.
The sequence of the book is arranged according to the degree of difficulty in the structures mainly, with some consideration to the levels of difficulty in language and communication skill. Through comparing the language aspect of unit one with that in unit eleven, the reader can see this kind of endeavor by the text author. In unit one for example, the language focus is on direct question and indirect questions forms and how to pronounce weak and strong forms of /dje/ and /du:/ while unit eleven has its focus on conditional sentences which is more complicated in structure.
4 Meeting the General Criteria of Course Design
The third issue needs addressing here is: how far does the book meet the general standard of course design within its units? The overall structure within the units follows similar patterns and includes all the main elements mentioned above. The organization of the elements is coherent and thus facilitates language learning and teaching. Besides, the exercises and readings evolve around a fixed theme and grammatical structures. The comprehensive coverage of language points and theme- related materials and communicative skills well prepare business students for their future career in business. The basic approach to the language learning in the design of the exercises is communicative, task-based and learner-centered, although the core syllabus is structural which stresses the rules of grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure.
Each unit begins with a brief preview of the main sections, which practically serve as statement of objectives for the lesson. This helps to guide the teacher and learner towards these objectives through their lesson. "Key vocabulary" first gives information in a short reading passage on the unit topic in which important vocabulary related to the theme is printed in bold to assist the learner. In this way, learners are exposed to both the subject area and lexical items. The passages in the units are concise and pitched at the right language level and informative in business content. "Leadin" precedes "cross -culture comparison". Each unit is slightly different for the tasks in "lead- in". It usually has reading material covering the theme of the unit and the tasks require the use of the relevant vocabulary learned in the previous reading. The section aims to increase learners' interest in the topic and their knowledge in the areas of language and content. "Cross -cultural comparison" reflects the acknowledgement of different learners' personal experience and cultural background. Moreover, it provides good opportunities to practice their communicative skills in the exchange of opinions among learners. "Language focus", as stated in its teacher's book, "follows a grammatical syllabus chosen especially to suit the needs of pre-intermediate to intermediate students" (Robbins 2000:7). It presents in every unit grammatical points in topic related business contexts. The writer's assumption about language learning is obvious here: the mastery of basic grammatical rules is a prerequisite for further progress in business English learning. The tasks in this part often require the practice of grammar in the context of communicative activities. Information gap filling and discussion are the most common types in the units. This enables learners to practice and learn grammar by active interaction with content-based materials and interesting tasks. "Pronunciation practice" is matched to the theme with related vocabulary and sentences. This in effect recycles the key vocabulary. If this part used the short reading passage in the "key vocabulary section, it would be a better review and recycling of the content and language. What is worth recommending here is its use of inductive approach to presenting grammar? After the presentation of the grammar in the readings and tasks, students are asked to deduce grammar rules from the presentation. This encourages learners to be active thinkers and responsible for their learning, instead of being passive receivers of formulas and rules from the teachers. There are "grammar reference' on page 150 in the students' book. In "language practice' section, the learned structures are practiced in business content again. The guided practice tasks are followed by less controlled communicative and contentbased ones. The other sections are "writing", "reading", "listening". They are not always presented in exactly the same order and length. The wiring is progressed gradually according to learners' language level, starting from simple tasks in unit one of identifying and using correct articles to the wholesome task of writing curriculum vitae for a job in the final unit. Authentic material is given in "reading" and "listening" to prepare learners for tackling similar readings and listening in their career. They cover relevant content areas and language points, but a little above the level of pre-intermediate to intermediate learners. The writer's choice of authentic, relatively difficult material enables learners to develop effective strategies such as guessing and deducing from context, neglecting unimportant words, applying existing knowledge, etc. The "vocabulary" section usually takes a systematic look at the formation of words, collocation, synonyms, compounds nouns and adjectives. Again, it is quite suitable for learners at this language level.
"Business communication" and "final task" are designed to let learners apply their comprehensive language competence and knowledge of business acquired in the units to practical business tasks. The tasks are mostly in oral form, such as presenting information, interviewing. This offers opportunity for "recycling" of the skills and language points learned and test both teachers and students their achievement and performance.
A detailed look at some aspects in unit two is necessary to see the writer's attitudes and approaches towards language learning and teaching methodology.
Unit two "company", like the other units, develops around the business related topics as indicated by the title. It begins with a brief overview of the four main sections as a clear guidance to the content to be presented. Then "key vocabulary" presents a short passage, which is a simple definition of companies in general. The passage together with a taped version of the passage not only introduces the company theme of the unit, but also the key lexical items such as "buying", "selling", "marketing", information technology", "telecommunications". They will be used for the immediate tasks. As could be seen form the material, the writer uses simple vocabulary at this stage. The "lead-in" next stimulates the learners' interest in the topic and language itself with concrete tasks. The identification of the three famous companies in the photos leads to the activity of matching the correct company logo with its business activities. The task is easy but provides enough information and fun. The third part of "lead-in" demands group work to discuss answers to the questions concerning big companies like Coco- Cola and BMW. At this stage, learners' interest may well be aroused and through the interactions with classmates, they can use the vocabulary just learned in the short passage. What's more, their knowledge of the business can be tested. The companies introduced here are famous and influential businesses in the world which ensures the content is of value and interest to students.
The "language focus" in the book all introduces grammar suitable to this level of learners. This unit is about presenting simple and present continuous tenses. The advertisement is used as a context to practice reading comprehension, increase awareness of the correct structures and provide business information. The material is explored to the full by setting up both oral task and gap-filling tasks. After completing the tasks, learners are asked to answer questions related to grammatical rules in business situations. At page bottom, learners are clearly guided to the grammar reference page. This, as stated above, reflects the advocacy of autonomous learning. The language practice part first presents two pictures relating to two businesses: one is pharmaceutical company and the other is cable operator. Vocabulary is given at this point to assist learners to decide "what does each company do". Then they listen to a business analyst who gives information about the companies. They are to fill in the table using present simple and present continuous structures and vocabulary related to the unit. There listening and writing skills are integrated. The reading skill is practice in the next section. The text is an advertisement of Financial Times Group's business graduate trainee program. The authentic nature of the material is rather a challenge for learners of this level. But the tasks are graded from easy to difficult, from guided and controlled to less controlled and open-ended. The first set of questions is made easy by focusing on the comprehension of the main ideas. Then they are followed by questions testing the comprehension of chief points. The realistic approach to the material itself and to the tasks helps the learners to be close to real work situations and build up learners' confidence. The business communication part involves more integrated skills tasks. In task one, learners are asked to look at a chart of LVMH and answer the questions requiring the use of the grammar just covered. Then they check their work by listening to the tape. Task two proceeds naturally form the previous part, because learners are required to listen to the presentation from the text on LVMH and mark the stressed syllables. Part three forms a coherent part of the whole unit by looking at the company sectors of Edizione Holding and Sony. The exercises are made to resemble real life task by using information gap-filling in pairs. Learners have to look for missing information through using their English in reading, writing, speaking and listening. "Final task" sums up the learning and taps the language and skills learned in the unit and the previous one by asking learners to make presentation on one of the companies. Its checklist reviews both the language points and knowledge of companies.
5 Conclusion
First Insight into Business English is a desirable course book for pre-intermediate to intermediate business English learners. Its strength lies in its clear, logical and coherent organization of content; its comprehensive coverage of materials and skills. The book is also evident in its communicative approach to language learning and teaching. It stands out for its natural integration of structural syllabus with content and task-oriented pedagogies,its cross-cultural awareness, its real life authenticity of materials and step-by step supportive approaches to tasks in terms of degree of difficulty in language and content both inside units and throughout the course, its encouragement of active learning and appropriateness to the level and needs of the learners. The only suggestion for improvement here would be that the teachers' notes be more detailed to assist less experienced teachers to teach the course, and some video materials be provided to further enrich the classroom learning and consolidate the related business concepts.
[1]Ellis, M and Johnson C.Teaching Business English, Oxford: Oxford University Press,1994.
[2]Hutchingson, T and Waters A . English for Specific Purposes, Cambridge: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1987.
[3]Reed B and Nolan S .‘ Survey review: two series of Business English materials, ELT Journal,1994,51(4):383-397.
As everyone knows that our world view originates in our culture. In every culture we can unavoidably see the shadow of religion. Religion, as Nanda observes, “deals with the nature of life and death, the creation of the universe, the origin of society and groups within the society, the relationship of individuals and groups to one another, and the relation of humankind to nature.” There are numerous kinds of religions in the world and here we just talk over the five major ones that have lasting traditions for centuries, influenced on and gained respect from millions of people. They are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. In the following part, we will discuss some aspects of them.
2 Five Religious Concepts
Christianity:(from the Ancient Greek ■, Khristos, “Christ”, means “anointed one”) is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teaching of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings. Believers of the Christian are called Christians.
Judaism: is the “religion, philosophy, and way of life” of the Jewish people. Originating in the Hebrew Bible(also known as the Tanakh) and explored in later texts such as the Talmud, it is considered by Jews to be the expression of the covenantal relationship God developed with the Children of Israel.
Islam: it’s one of the major world religion founded by Muhammad in Arabia in the early 7th century AD. The Arabic word Islam means “submission”―submission to the will of the one God, called Allah in Arabic. It’s a strictly monotheistic religion, and its believers, called Muslims.
Hinduism: is the predominant religious tradition of South Asia. Hinduism is often referred to as Sanātana Dharma(a Sanskrit phrase meaning “the eternal law”) by its adherents.
Buddhism: a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pāli/Sanskrit “the awakened one”).
3 Five Religious Clarifications and Its link with People’s Behavior
We should keep in mind three points before discussing the major religions of the world:(1)Everyone has his world view, even the person who does not believe in God. That is to say, religion is only a kind of world view;(2)It is difficult to draw a line between religion and a subtle manifestation of religion. Someone may call religion another might call philosophy.(3)Our goal is to illustrate some aspects of religious clarifications and its influences on people’s behavior.
Christianity: They believe in a God who is manifest in the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Examples of the link between religion, perception, and behavior:
They believe strongly in organized worship to proclaiming God’s message--they have a keen of social activities, they may participate a lot of religious clubs and associations beyond their family unit.
They believe it is the God who created human beings and gave them the power to dominate the nature--they are future-dominated people and possess the spirit of exploration.
They believe “The central ethic Jesus taught was love”--they try to make charitable contributions by playing the “world police” role to improve the lives of other countries.
Judaism: They believe that God’s providence extends to all people, they also hold to the notion God entered into this special covenant with them so that they could carry God’s message by example.
Examples of the link between religion, perception, and behavior:
They believe they are God’s “chosen people”--they reserve their beliefs even go through sufferings such as Holocaust.
They believe learning is the power and obligation that given by God--As long ago as the first century, Jews had a system of compulsory education.
The Ten Commandments weigh a lot in their life--they can’t relieve the suffering when they betray the Ten Commandments but to obey and bear it.
Islam: They accept that Muhammad was the heir to the religious mantle passed down by the prophets of the Bible. Their god Allah spoke to human beings many times in toe past and concerned with establishing a new social order as well as delivering a religious message.
Examples of the link between religion, perception, and behavior:
The wisdom of the Koran claims that religion is the whole of life--they taught Islam to everyone from the time when he was born.
They believe they should submit to the will of Allah--they pray five times a day to show their submit.
They should show their devotion to Allah--Everyone should try his best to make a pilgrimage to Mecca in his lifetime.
Hinduism: The material world is not the only reality. There are other realities that reveal the true nature of life, the mind, and the spirit.
Examples of the link between religion, perception, and behavior:
They believe that the world is so fantastic that every creature is governed by a god --they treat animals such as monkeys and cattle kindly to show their respectful towards that god.
They believe that satisfaction in the material and physical world might gratify us, but finally they will “wear out”--they spend much of their lives to experience Nirvana in search of realms.
They believe in various paths can adapt to diverse needs--they have distinct spiritual paths such as jnanayoga, bhkti yoga, karma, and rajayoga.
Buddhism: They believe that life, for a host of reasons, is suffering.
Examples of the link between religion, perception, and behavior:
They believe there is a life after death--they do not kill animals.
They believe that life is dukka(suffering)--they try to seek the causes of their suffering while enduring them.
They believe the impermanent nature of all things both good and bad, which are always changing--they believe in karma.
4 Conclusion
From the above we can see that religion not only reflects our world view, but also influences our conduction. Therefore we should keep an open mind when concerning people’s perception and behavior.
[1]Cao Xianghong.(2010). An Introduction to Intercultural Communication[M]. Beijing: Science Press.
Keywords: writing teaching; primary calligraphy education; traditional writing skill inheritance; new curriculum reform focus;
0 Introduction
In current world, globalization and informationization development lead to the violent collision of Chinese and foreign culture. Chinese characters are used as the essence of Chinese civilization for thousands of years, which is the only used hieroglyphics in the world. It is different from English phongraphy stroke, which is more concise, and the identification is also more convenient. Chinese characters are used as complicated hieroglyphs, and the writing mistakes will lead to text itself, influencing the written ideographic accuracy. So for a long time, the education circle is focusing more on writing education. But in the long-term exam-oriented education background, college entrance examination has become the students’ focus, but the writing aspect is ignored. For the lack of Chinese character writing education aspect, it gradually causes the focus of education circle and society. In recent years, schools begin to strengthen the writing education, and the nation begins to give high support, including CCTV and other media to hold national character writing competition, which has positive role in writing education promotion.
1. The Significance of Calligraphy Education
1.1 Calligraphy Writing
The Chinese character writing is a basic skill, and the calligraphy is formed at the beginning of Chinese writing. When the ancient people consider it from practical angle, they have not considered calligraphy as an art. Now, the actual function of calligraphy and writing gradually weakens, the calligraphy attribute begins to take art as the main part.
Writing contains calligraphy, which is generally divided into: writing and calligraphy. Writing is mainly for accurately conveying written expression and rapidly recording, and the aesthetics is secondary. The narrow calligraphy is mainly aesthetics and arts, taking written expression conveying as the secondary. This paper analyzes the calligraphy education, which refers to calligraphy in vast meaning. It also includes practical writing and artistic calligraphy. In the following article, the practicality and art are no longer distinguished, so the mentioned calligraphy is general calligraphy.
From education angle, the general calligraphy education includes artistic cultivation calligraphy professional education, but also includes practical writing education.
1.2 The Meaning of Primary School Students’ Learning Calligraphy
In fact, when conducting calligraphy education for primary school students, the two aspects in general calligraphy have their own unique important meaning, which needs educators’ careful consideration.
Practical Calligraphy Education. The unique pictography of Chinese character stroke should need long time practice to have neat writing. The pupils are in the key stage of cultivating and practicing neat writing.
Art Calligraphy Aspect. Chinese characters develop for thousands of years, and many calligraphers create many characters from aesthetics angle, and the artistic calligraphy meaning is in fact the mold of traditional culture and personal accomplishment and character precipitation. Ancient Wang Xian’s calligraphy writes as much as 18 cylinders of water, and he writes a good writing and he has perseverance and he keeps on carving quality.
2. New Curriculum Reform Overview
Entering new century, the education in the world is making great reform with the rapid development of era. Chinese traditional exam-oriented education has many disadvantages.
2.1 New Curriculum Reform Goal
Basic education is related with national future and national destiny. After the founding of new China, it implements seven basic education curriculum reform and obtains great achievement. It has an important role in the aspect of politics, economy, science and culture. But, the basic education status is still not ideal. The fixed exam-oriented knowledge education is the main problem, which has not obtained fundamental change, and completely cultivating and improving students’ quality effect is not ideal.
2.2 New Curriculum Reform Concept and Focus
2.2.1 New Curriculum Reform Concept
The core of new curriculum reform concept is to promote the overall development of students. Taking students’ comprehensive quality development is the key to new curriculum reform. Through concerning each student’s emotion, ideology, emotion and personality, it makes learning become the students’ life experience and it can help them to establish correct and personalized life view, world view and value views, making it become the high-quality talents with responsibility.
2.2.2 New Curriculum Reform Focus
1) Reform Curriculum Function. It changes from teaching function teaching knowledge to leading students to learn methods, learning to be and learning to survive.
2) Reform Course Structure. In the course configuration, it should implement teaching content according to students’ experience. It should combine learning and social practice, to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, making students’ learning interest rise and making students have lifelong benefit.
3) Conducting Innovation for Course Education Mode. It changes the previous teaching mode in teaching, encouraging students to actively participate, practice and cultivate students to collect information and analyze and solve problem, which advocates students and teachers to strengthen the communication and cultivate students’ teamwork spirit.
3. Primary School Calligraphy Education Status
At present, most primary schools promote the calligraphy education mode in China, and this also focuses on narrow art calligraphy education mode, especially the normal colleges, the art calligraphy education performance achievement is much more than the actual writing education achievement. The calligraphy education of the two aspects has some problems:
1)Arts Education Trend. The current art education belongs to calligraphy education mode. In fact, it is not only calligraphy, but also all kinds of talent education obtains the favor of primary school parents.
2)Writing Teaching Aspect. Most primary school teaching management has no evaluation standard and assessment for teachers’ writing teaching. The teachers will not input time into students’ professional writing education.
Also experts point out that the frequent use of computer leads to students’ writing level hard to improve. The source of the fact is that many young teachers have stepped into the primary school teaching position. The teachers in the Internet era depend too much on computer, so their writing skills are not enough.
4.Several Suggestions of Strengthening Calligraphy Teaching in Primary School Teaching
4.1 Mobilizing Interest to Promote the Students’ Active Learning.
The ancient people say that the people who have interest in learning is better. Because the age feature and recognition level of primary school students are determined, the interest is the important motivation of directly influencing children’s learning activity. In teaching process, educators should teach students according to their aptitude and create some effective teaching methods.
1)Using History Cultural Story. In Chinese history, there are many calligraphers’ stories. Primary school students can stimulate their interest for writing because of curiosity for stories, such as telling stories of ancient calligraphers practicing calligraphy, such as Wang Xian’s insisting and writing out many tanks of water, and finally obtaining the fame of calligrapher.
2)Stimulating children’s imagination space. Primary school students’ thinking is mainly for imagination thinking, which can make the abstract term image of calligraphy teaching specific and easy for students to grasp. Using the calligraphy pictographic association or some doggerel can make students easier to remember the writing essentials.
3)Using the multimedia means. Using projector and PPT courseware to show calligraphy name tablet to students can increase students’ perception to arouse their interest in learning calligraphy.
4.2 Education Department Should Deepen the Understanding of Calligraphy Education Importance.
The education department should fabricate the corresponding incentive mechanism and examination mechanism for writing teaching, truly making the work into the schedule. It should strengthen the writing teaching research and training strength, forming the writing teaching research atmosphere. It should also teachers’ writing skills, improving teachers’ writing basic quality and teaching guidance ability. Fabricating examination and incentive mechanism, teachers’ writing teaching is put into the teachers’ occupation responsibility evaluation.
5 Conclusion
Education, as the focus of sustainable development, not only makes the literal and science knowledge teaching as the only focus. In new course reform requirement, deepening the quality education and overall cultivating students’ quality are the focus of future education development. Literal and science knowledge, P.E health, practice ability, communication exchange and quality cultivation are also important. The writing is favored by ancient literal people. It is not only basic skill but also senior art, but also, in order to ensure the smooth written communication, all the people should write good Chinese characters, which is the lowest social demand. Practicing Chinese writing is the inheritance of traditional culture and important parts of accelerating Chinese culture. If computer is promoted with popularity, Chinese gradually go to pinyin trend, then for the people in different regions in China, it is not so easy to grasp.
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