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>> 最最最前沿 小恩要报 小才要用 最最遥远的路 最最遥远的路程 最最奇妙的鸡蛋 小Y站报:梦断WCC 谁的老师最最美 最最亲爱的大姑 抗战时期的《小消息》报 台湾无籽小西瓜引种试验初报 一份小“班报” 带来大收获 《广州日报》社区报:“小市场”的大布局 我那最最温柔的老师 我最最心爱的人 最最难懂女人心 酸甜苦辣最最榜 倾情救助遭遇“白眼狼”,无良小夫妻恩将“偷”报陷囹圄 子午岭林区东华池林场建庄油松梢小蠹防治技术初报 柑桔小实蝇雄虫种群消长规律研究初报 利用丽蚜小蜂控制烟田烟粉虱效果研究初报 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:中国 > 经济法律 > 小最最IN报 小最最IN报 杂志之家、写作服务和杂志订阅支持对公帐户付款!安全又可靠! document.write("作者: 本刊编辑部")

申明:本网站内容仅用于学术交流,如有侵犯您的权益,请及时告知我们,本站将立即删除有关内容。 第68届日本推理作家协会奖


月村了卫是日本著名的动漫编剧(《天地无用》等),2010年以科幻悬疑作品《机龙警察》系列出道,该系列为其赢得了科幻小说大奖、吉川英治新人奖等诸多荣誉。此前两个月里,月村已经先后拿下了本年度第17回大薮春彦奖及第12届本屋大奖第5位。本作《土漠之花》讲述精锐部队在索马里开展救援行动的故事。37岁的早见和真2008年出版首部作品,本作是其第一部推理小说,即获得了本次大奖。 埃德加・爱伦・坡奖

本年度4月29日,美国侦探作家协会(MWA)在纽约凯越大酒店举行了本年度埃德加・爱伦・坡奖的颁奖仪式。其中最重要的最佳小说奖(Best Novel)被斯蒂芬・金的《梅赛德斯先生》夺得。《梅赛德斯先生》是一部非典型的“警察抓贼”小说,主角是喜欢开着奔驰车的精神病病人,在驾车冲入招聘会现场疯狂造成8死15伤后逃逸,开始策划更疯狂的屠杀计划。收到匿名信后,退休刑警为了阻止这一疯狂计划重出江湖。该作于去年6月出版,目前已经确定会被改编成电影。斯蒂芬・金是全球最为知名的悬疑恐怖小说大师,其作品全球销量高达3亿5千万册,20多部作品被引进至中国,风格包含恐怖、科幻、悬疑、奇幻等,其名作包括《肖申克的救赎》、《闪灵》、《黑暗塔》等。作者曾于2007年拿下埃德加爱伦坡终身成就奖。


埃德加・爱伦・坡奖是目前全球最为权威的悬疑推理小说奖项,由美国侦探作家协会(MWA)创立于1946年。获奖作品由美国侦探作家协会指定成员组成的委员会裁定。该奖项也被誉为是侦探推理界的奥斯卡奖。 第15届本格推理小说大奖


麻耶雄嵩此次已经是第2次拿下该奖项(上一次为2011年《独眼少女》),同时也是第2位两夺该大奖的作家。本作作为一部短篇作品集去年已经拿下本格推理排行榜年度第1,在另外三个最为权威的榜单中也全部挤入前3位,是去年当之无愧最为出色的推理作品。麻耶雄嵩是近5年来日本最为出色的新本格推理作家,出版了5部作品几乎全是当年本格推理排行榜的冠亚军之作。其作品以短篇居多,作品大部分有着非常出色的诡计,或是结构创意十分出色,亦或是争议极大的颠覆传统写法,可谓篇篇经典。国内近期也陆续出版了其多部作品,好评如潮,去年麻耶还曾经出现在上海书展上。 英国犯罪作家协会钻石匕首奖



But it’s going to cost some mega bucks and by mega bucks we mean like ?25 million for the park which will open in Portsmouth, where author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used to live.

While no official dates have been announced for the fun fair, described as a “world class multimedia experience” will revolve around actual plots with characters including the super sleuth’s trusted side-kick Dr. Watson and arch enemy Moriaty.

The park won’t just include rides but also holograms of it’s leading cast as fans will get the chance to explore dome of the stories’ most famous locations including, of course, Holmes’ very own Baker Street.

Sherlock Holmes has become one of the most iconic characters in British history since Conan Doyle’s hero first came to prominence in a series of short stories way back when in 1887.

Since then he has gone to be portrayed on screen by Basil Rathbone in the 1939 film series and of course by Robert Downy Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch.

Steve Pitt of the Portsmouth Cultural Partnership―the man behind the madness explained, “It would be very interactive and high quality. There are so many tie-ins around the legacy of Sherlock Holmes being ‘born’ in Portsmouth.”

Well, Steve will be the first in line if this all goes ahead! Fingers crossed guys!








After a short cameo[片段] in the 2009 hit film Sherlock

Holmes, the detective’s most notorious[声名狼籍的] enemy becomes the focus of the sequel[续集], scheduled[预定的] for release Dec. 16th.

Even with Mark Strong taking the bad guy role as the serial killer[连环杀手] Lord Blackwood―and an impressive

$209 million at the box office―director Guy Ritchie felt something was missing the first time. Although he’s reluctant[勉强的] to do sequels, he was quick to reteam for Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

“I can’t help myself,” Ritchie says. “They wanted this to be a

franchise[电影系列], which, in my mind, needs at least two movies. But I really

liked working with the team on the first movie, so this was an easy choice.”

So was the primary villain[坏人] for A Game of Shadows. The cast[演员阵容]

will reunite Robert Downey Jr. as Holmes, Jude Law as Dr. Watson and Jared Harris as the mysterious James Moriarty.

The movie follows Holmes as he and Watson trace Moriarty’s murderous[杀人的]

trail with the help of Holmes’ older brother, Mycroft (Stephen Fry), and a Gypsy, Sim (Noomi Rapace). The film shares elements

from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s 1893 short story The Final Problem, which first

appeared in Strand Magazine and introduced Moriarty.

Ritchie, director of Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, says he was taken aback[使大吃一惊] by the success of the first Holmes film and wasn’t sure how to

repeat it.

But a good baddie[恶人] never hurts.

“Moriarty is one of the most famous

villains of all time,” he says. “But we didn’t want to make him a conventional[常规的]

character. The challenge was to still make him modern, believable.”

Conventional, Harris isn’t. Recently seen as the British nerd[书呆子] in Mad Men注, Harris “brings a depth, a realism[真实性], that everyone

was really excited about,” Ritchie says.

Even if Holmes’ appeal[吸引力] remains something of a puzzle to Ritchie.

“I don’t know why he’s been so popular all these years,” Ritchie says. “Maybe it’s because he was such a pioneer. The famous investigator with flaws[缺点] in his character.

“Yet he’s still this constant[不变的] winner. How could you not like that?”

Storyline of A Game of Shadows

Sherlock Holmes has always been the smartest man in the room...until now. There is a new criminal mastermind[策划者]

at large[未被捕]―Professor Moriarty―and not only is he Holmes’

intellectual equal, but the combination[结合] of his evil and lack of

conscience[道德心] may actually give him an advantage over Holmes.

When the Crown Prince[皇储] of Austria is found dead, the

evidence points to suicide[自杀]. But Sherlock Holmes believes that the prince has been the victim[受害人] of murder―a murder that is only one piece of a larger and much more troubling puzzle,

designed by Professor Moriarty.

Mixing business with pleasure, Holmes tracks the clues to an underground gentlemen’s club, where he and his brother, Mycroft Holmes are toasting[敬酒] Dr. Watson on his last night of bachelorhood[独身]. It is there that Holmes encounters[遇到] Sim, a Gypsy fortune teller, who sees more than she is telling and whose unwitting[不知情的] involvement[卷入] in the prince’s murder makes her the killer’s next target. Holmes barely manages to save her life and, in return, she reluctantly agrees to help him.

The investigation becomes ever more dangerous as it leads Holmes, Watson and Sim across the continent, from England to France to Germany and finally to Switzerland. But Moriarty is always one step ahead as he spins[纺织] a web of death and destruction―all part of a greater plan that, if he succeeds, will change the course[进程] of history.























学    院:    外 国 语 学 院          

专业班级:    英语理工042班           

姓    名:    王   华   丹            

学    号:    204092041               

指导教师:    孟         冬           

答辩时间:    2008年 6 月             




REGISTERED NO. 204092041




JUNE, 2008

The Creation of Suspense Atmosphere in The Murders in the Rue Morgue

Abstract: Edgar Allan Poe, American short story writer, poet, critic, editor, novelist, and essayist,has achieved great success in literature. Especially in the field of short stories, he is father of the detective story and sets the pattern of western detective stories. One feature of his works is the description of supernatural terror, mystery, cruelty and fatalism. The story’s plot is full of dramatic natures. He lays stress on the description of details and the atmosphere and the effect of the story. When it comes to his detective stories, he is an artist of creating the suspense atmosphere. This paper based on The Murders in the Rue Morgue which is considered as the world first detective story, summarized two main points, regulation and contrast. The paper attempts to analyze the story from the aspects of plot, language and identifies how they were used by Poe to structure the story in the hope that it might conductive to the reading and understanding of Poe’s detective stories for it provides the clue for the readers. Through the analysis, the paper reveals that Poe sets the suspense atmosphere through three points, irregular plot,irregularity of language and the contrast of the main characters. The conclusion part brings the whole thesis to an end and points out how the suspense atmosphere is set and explores that all the elements serve for the creation of suspense atmosphere.

Key Words: Allan Poe; detective story; suspense atmosphere; Dupin


摘  要:埃德加▪爱伦▪坡在小说,诗歌,评论,出版,随笔等领域都卓有成就,他的短篇故事尤为人称道。他是侦探小说的鼻祖并设立了西方侦探小说的模版。他作品的有鲜明特征,对超自然的惊恐,神秘,残忍,以及宿命论。他写的故事情节充满戏剧性并注重细节描述,气氛营造以及故事效果。当谈及他的侦探故事时,他是当之无愧的悬疑气氛制造大师。本论文以他的《毛格街血案》为例,解构悬疑气氛营造的手法,分析得出反常和对比两大手法在文章中的运用,通过其在语言,情节,人物性格上的体现加深悬疑气氛。本文旨在阐释如何营造悬疑气氛并希望对能更好感受爱伦.坡文章的出彩之处和精妙布局有所裨益。

关键词: 爱伦.坡;侦探小说;悬疑气氛;杜宾


Introduction 1

1. Background and Literature Review of Edgar Allan Poe…………...1

1.1 Edger Allan Poe's detective stories……………………….………….….……….1

  1.2 The Literature Review of Edgar Allan Poe…………….………...…...…………1

2. Irregular Points………………………………………………………..3

2.1 Irregular Introduction………….………………...…………………………...…..3

2.2 Grotesque Case…………………..……..…………………………………….….6

2.3 Irregularity of Language ……….……………………………………………..…7

     2.3.1 The Gothic Writing Style………………….………………………………………….…7

     2.3.2 The Logical Technique………………………………………………………………….8

3. The Contrast of the Main Characters ………………..……..…..….10

3.1 Dupin vs Narrator……………………………………………..………...……10 3.2 Dupin vs the Police……………………………………………..……………..11

4.Conclusion….....………………& hellip;…………………………………....11



Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), literature giant, wrote about fifty poems and seventy-five short stories in his short lifetime. He had achieved great success in literature. But taking close look into his personal life, perhaps, Poe could be considered as one of the most controversial and most tragic figures in the history of American literature. The basic note of this miserable man was insecurity, which started practically in the cradle. His real father deserted his mother and him when he was still an infant. After two years, his mother passed away. Poe was adopted by John Allan, a rich but ill-tempered businessman who never legally adopted Poe, which made their relationship rather capricious, and sour at last. Fortunately, Poe responded to the unfavorable situation by exercising his poetic gift, which turned out a little success. However, no wealth came to him out of all this at all--poverty remains his typical condition towards his last years. All his life he has been continually struggling against both his own demons and the apparent recalcitrance and rejection of the outside world, operating under continual financial, medical and addictive pressure. His tragic life gives him the source of writing and helps to shape his unique writing style. His distinctive and even grotesque works are valued and appreciated in European countries, but ironically failed to be appreciated or interpreted by his fellowmen. Being a literary talent born, Poe has high sensitivity, “with an intuitive faculty of imagination and a subtle sixth sense impossible to define”. Apart from his other accomplishments, Poe’s rational-analyze ability may be covered by the other talent. With the full boom of the field of the detective story, Allan Poe, pioneer of this field, gets more and more attention. Poe created five models of reasoning stories namely “murder in a closed room”, “the armchair pure reasoning detective” , “psychological case solving or blind spot of human beings”, “decoding the trick of code” and “the detective himself is the murder” with respect to the three Dupin series reasoning stories The Murders In The Rue Morgue,The Mystery Of Marie Roget, A Sequel To The Murders In The Rue Morgue' The Purloined Letter, and the other two The Gold-Bug and Thou Art The Man respectively。

The study would concentrate on the murders in the rue morgue which was Poe’s first detective story. Based on the suspense creation, it will give detailed look into the story and try to explain how the suspense atmosphere created in The Murders in the Rue Morgue.

▪1. Background and Literature Review of Edgar Allan Poe

▪1.1 Edgar Allan Poe’s Detective Stories

As Poe created seventy-five short stories in all his life among which over twenty are greatly famous in the world. The short stories of Poe can roughly be classified into two categories: horror tales and detective stories. The researchers mainly concentrate on his horror tales. When it comes to his detectives, the research becomes comparatively rare though some scholars home and abroad have made some conclusions, e.g.  Arthur Voss (1983) asserted: “Poe is the father of modern detective stories.” Jiang Jilin said; “Poe initiated the narrative pattern of western detective stories “case, spying, reasoning, solving”, “the triangle character relationship” “detective-narrator-vulgar-police” concerning the three Dupin series reasoning stories. It is universally acknowledged that there are altogether five detectives created by Poe namely, Thou Art The Man and The Gold-Bug and the three Dupin series; The Murders In The Rue Morgue,The Mystery Of Marie Roget--A Sequel  to  The Murder In  The Rue Morgue,  and  The Purloined Letter. Nevertheless, there are some differences between the two categories because the former two pay more attention to the case and spying while the later three ones to the course of reasoning. The three Dupin series are all reasoning stories and they are also the targeted texts of the present study. The studies which focus on Poe’s contributions to modern detectives are similar in one way or another. However, they did not make clear how Poe arranged his plot and how Poe created the suspense atmosphere. So it is a question open to further investigation, and hence necessitate the present in deep research..

1.2 The Literature Review of Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is probably one of the most controversial figures in the history of American literature. His distinctive and even grotesque works are valued and appreciated in European countries, especially in France, but ironically failed to be appreciated or interpreted by his fellowmen. Poe’s reputation in America was relatively slight until the French-influenced writers like Ambroce Bierce, Robert W. Chambers, and representatives of the Lovecraft school created interest in his work. In contrast, it took about one century for Poe to establish his artistic reputation in America. Among Poe's contemporary writers in the nineteenth century, only Hawthorne recognized his talent and praised the “force and originality” in his works. It is a pity that most of Poe’s fellowmen, especially those who were in his time, failed to realize his value or appreciate his genius. Emerson looked down upon him as a jingle man .Mark Twain condemned his work unreadable, and even Henry James claimed that “an enthusiasm for Poe was the mark of decidedly primitive stage of reflection.” While it is awfully strange that in European countries and among a small portion of Americans, Poe has won the respect and admiration no less tough in degree than the misunderstanding or inveigh he has been opposed at home. For Baudelaire, he was a “fallen angel who remembered heaven,” a “Byron gone astray in a bad world.” Yeats sang high praise for him, regarding him as so certainly the greatest of American poets, and always, for all lands, a great lyric poet. George Bernard Shaw found him exquisitely refined and William Carlos Williams, one of the few Americans who spoke for Poe, proclaimed that it is Poe that had given sense for the first time in America that literature was serious, not a matter of courtesy but of truth.

With the growing study and research in Poe’s works and his personality, the modern tendency witnesses an increasing popularity and appreciation that justify his significance and contribution. It is progressively convinced by the modern critics that Poe is one of the greatest literary figures in the U.S. who has fathered many things, one of which is the detective stories. Besides, Poe’s own wretched life tragedy provides him the gothic mind and his significance is partly due to his exploration and contribution to the literature.

2. Irregular Points

▪2.1  Irregular Introduction

The story took Dupin as a protagonist but it didn’t take Dupin as the narrator but “I”, “I” connect Dupin and the reader, the reader gets the information about Dupin.  Through “my’” eye, Dupin’s character is shown to the reader, his rational talent, his recluse life. When introduces Dupin, Poe has played a trick to stimulate the interesting of the reader.

“I” gave several description of Dupin.

1 “...I there became acquainted with a Monsieur C. Auguste Dupin. This young gentleman was of an excellent, indeed of an illustrious family, but by a variety of untoward events...., or to care for the retrieval of his fortune.”

2  “...Indeed the locality of our retirement had been…,and it had been many years since Dupin had ceased to know or to be known in Paris….”

3  “...It was a freak of fancy in my friend (for what else shall I call it?) to be enamored of the night for her own sake..., giving myself up to ...abandon.”

4  “...He seemed, too, to take an eager delight in its exercise-if...-and did not hesitate to confess the pleasure thus derived.”

Then what's the communicating propose of such an order since they are not randomly ordered by Poe. In the five naming devices, Poe first uses the full name “ Monsieur C. Auguste Dupin” and the using of “Monsieur”(Sir) here represents a kind of respect but also distance from the narrator “I” and the reader because at first the reader are not familiar with the person; then “I”-the narrator- call the detective “young gentleman” to state further what kind of person he is; next “I” call the protagonist “Dupin” instead of the full name “Monsieur C. Auguste Dupin” to suggest that there is an increasing familiarity between “I” and “Dupin”; further, the naming device of the detective goes on to be changed into “my friend” and the adding of “my” suggest “I” am still closer to Dupin than before; finally comes the naming device “he” which is a third personal pronoun and the using of it indicates that the reader can infer who “he” is based on the former introduction. It is a process to let the reader accept Dupin and set the atmosphere that Dupin is reliable. It is designed to bring the reader to join into the story, experience what happened in the story and has a feeling of joining into the investigation. When the reader acknowledged the details in the story, he would sink into rational thought and until he worked it out, the suspense atmosphere is created. The reader will sink into the plot without doubt.

    In order to deepen the suspense atmosphere of the case, Poe didn’t introduce the case directly at first, but let reader know how Dupin and I met and their daily life. The most important, presenting Dupin’s super rational talent in the case of The Murders in the Rue Morgue, Poe uses the little talk when they taking a walk to reveal Dupin’s talent of reasoning. Just as Dupin boasts, “most men, in respect to him, wore windows in their bosoms”, he could fathom what people are thinking of, Dupin deduces “I” was thinking of Chantilly-an actor one night when they were strolling down a long dirty street and all at once broke forth with these words;

   “He is a very little fellow, that's true, and would do better for the Theatre des Yari a tes.”

Here the using of the naming device “he” presupposes some person. To the reader, without reading the following text, he does not know who “he” presupposes, his name, personality etc. The reader is at a loss for that because they don't have the common knowledge with the writer and Dupin and can not fathom the narrator’s thought as Dupin does. The naming device “he” is not clear to the reader, so it creates a kind of suspense which inspires the reader to continue reading to find the referent of “he”. The use of “he” also reveals Dupin’s remarkable reasoning talent even “I” was astonished and said:

    “How was it possible you should know I was thinking of—here I paused to ascertain beyond a doubt whether he really knew of whom I thought . ”

And Dupin asserted without a pause; “of Chantilly” said he, “why do you pause? You were remarking to yourself that his diminutive figure unfitted him for that tragedy.”

Up to now, the reader begins to realize that “he” is called “Chantilly” but no more. Next, the narrator gives the reader some explanation about what kind of person Chantilly is;

“This was precisely what had formed the subject of my reflections. Chantilly was a quondam cobbler of the Rue St. Dennis who had attempted the role of Xerxes ...”

So far, the reader has a clear comprehension about “he”, and the sequential naming devices should be ordered as this;

He--Chantilly-- cobbler actor (Xerxes)

The reverse syllogism can create the suspense because the first dubious naming device can intensify the attention attracting effect. Only after finishing reading the following text, can the reader knows the corresponding relationship of the naming devices from “he” to the “actor” who acts the role of “Xerxes”. And in such process, it reveals the abundant observing and reasoning ability which is proved by his retrace of the course of meditations of the narrator. However, if we converse the order mentioned above and suppose Dupin refers to “Xerxes” first, there will be no such suspense to the reader or narrator in that “Xerxes” is not strange to most people if not to everyone. Compared to “Xerxes”, “he”, as the singular form of third personal pronoun, indicates no definite referent it presupposes without the context and thus its first place position stimulates the reader’s further reading. This show of Dupin is like appetizer, arousing the reader’s appetite for the case.

2.2 Grotesque Case

For the reader the most important thing in the detective story is the case, what attracts them most is any unexpected plot and challenging conventional pattern. As the first detective story in the literature world The Murders in the Rue Morgue which is still the incomparable and perfect model of the literature genre of today. In the other world, this story set the pattern for the following detective stories. Since Poe created the detective story many storywriters followed his footsteps and gradually brought the genre to its Golden Age between the Second World War At that time, it was popular for detective story writers to set up rules to define the genre and to regulate the written forms of the story. S.S.Van Dine formulated his influential “Twenty Rules for Writing Detective Stories” in 1928,and a comparative study of Poe's detective stories reveals that Poe violated some of Van Dine's principles, some of which argue for a scientific method of detection. Although S.S.Van Dine did not set down his rules of fairness to the reader until almost a century after Poe, when detective fiction had already flowered into its golden age, several interesting and important questions inevitably come to mind. Taking The Murder in The Rue Morgue for example, despite many interesting coincidences in which Poe complies so well with some of the rules Van Dine laid down almost a ce ntury later, a detailed comparison of Poe’s Dupin stories with Van Dine’s “Twenty Rules” impresses most is the obvious conflict between Poe’s poetic way of investigation, employing primarily imagination, and Van Dine’s strictly logical method of searching for the truth. The Murder in The Rue Morgue disobey Rule 5, “The culprit must be determined by logical deductions, not by accident or coincidence or unmotivated confession”; Rule 18, “A crime in a detective story must never turn out to be an accident or a suicide”; The comparative study of these rules in connection with Poe’s stories casts doubt on Van Dine’s strictly logical method of detection.

The story is considered as the world’s first detective story and is about a “murder in a closed room”. The story opens with the discovery of the violent murder of an old woman and her daughter; no grisly detail is spared in the description of the crime scene as it is discovered by neighbor’s responding to the women’s screams. Poe’s story unfolds the mystery of two women victims, Madame L’Espanaye and her daughter Camilly, who were brutally murdered in their locked room with the entire windows closed. In location, the crime scene is “closed”; in logical, no motive for the crime was found (The old lady and her daughter seemed on good terms-very affectionate towards each other. They were excellent pay. Could not speak in regard to their mode or means of living. Believed that Madame L. told fortunes for a living. ) and a “foreigner’s” voice, “quick and unequal” was heard by witnesses coming from inside the locked room. The Murders in the Rue Morgue is the first one that lists the orangutan as the perpetrator of the murder of the two women. Poe might be playing a hoax on the reader, for it is hardly believable that all of Dupin’s superb detection eventually leads to an animal as his antagonist. The reader prejudices the killer as a merciless person and focus on revealing who he is. Being an elusive writer himself, Poe expect us to penetrate this veil of duplicity and take more seriously the enslavement of the orangutan by his master, the sailor, who captured the “animal” on an overseas voyage, then kept it secluded in his house as his personal property with the ultimate purpose of selling it for a fortune. The Murders in the Rue Morgue initiates the model of modem detectives and marks the introduction of the mystery and the private investigator. The dedicate situation combine a grotesque case, when reading this, readers can’t help asking questions, everything seams unreasonable but one step close related to the other step. The reader and the narrator seams to fall into a puzzle and relies on Dupin to guide them and walks out of the suspense.

2.3 Irregularity of Language

2.3.1 The Gothic Writing Style

The word “Gothic” in literary criticism is unfortunately a synonym of the pejorative term—terror. The writing style has even been scorned as a formula, bristled with violence, murder, revenge, rape, incest, or even with presence of ghost, monster or some other preternatural phenomena; the prevailing atmosphere of such fictions is somber, mysterious, horrible and always filled with a sense of suspense. Although his gothic novels present that thoroughly, Poe’s Gothicism writing style shadows over many later works in fantasy, science, and detective fiction. In the murders in the rue morgue street, the description of the crime scene is a case in point.

“But an unusual quantity of soot being observed in the fire-place, a search was made in the chimney, and (horrible to relate!) the corpse of the daughter, head downward, was dragged there from ,it having been thus forced up the narrow aperture for a considerable distance. The body was quite warm. Upon examining it, many excoriations were perceived, no doubt occasioned by the violence with which it had been thrust up and disengaged. Upon the face were many severe many severe scratches, and upon the throat, dark bruises, and deep indentations for finger nails, as if the deceased had been throttled to death.”

“After a thorough investigation of every portion of the house, without farther discovery, the party made its way into a small paved yard in the rear of the building, where lay the corpse of the old lady, with her throat so entirely cut that, upon an attempt to raise her, the head fell off. The body, as well as the head, was fearfully mutilated - the former so much so as scarcely to retain any semblance of humanity.”

Poe created a bloody battle field of crime scene by using excellent narration skill. Such scene and events that produced the atmosphere of terror did greatly contribute to the Gothic feature of this tale. Poe leads the reader into a filmic Gothic scene, in which brews the story of suspense. The inhumanity killing of a widow Madame L’Espanaye and her daughter sends the reader into thinking? Why the killer has such strong desire for revenge? Does anyone have deep hatred to them? Who is that merciless cold-blood killer? The gothic description deepens the suspense atmosphere, broadening the reader’s fancy space. 

2.3.2 The Logical Technique

The violent murder in The Murders in the Rue Morgue happens in a closed room and leaves no other clues but some hair, the indentations of finger nails and the thrill voice which no two persons could be found to identify, and in whose utterance no syllabification could be detected. The following are the quoted passages about the testimonies of the witnesses to the “shrill voice”.

 (1) “Isidore Muset, gendarme, deposes that.... The shrill voice was that of a foreigner. Could not be sure whether it was the voice of a man or of a woman. could not make out what was said, but believed the language to be Spanish…”

(2) “Henry Duval.....…The shrill voice, this witness thinks, was that of an. Italian. Was certain it was not French...was not acquainted with the Italian language. Could not that the speaker was an Italian…was sure that the shrill voice was not that either of the deceased”

 (3) “Odenheimer, restaurateur....  Not speaking French was examined through an interpreter. Is a native of Amsterdam…Was sure that the shrill voice was that of a man-a Frenchman…”

(4) “William Bird,…Is an Englishman.…Is sure that it was not the voice of an Englishman. Appeared to be that of a German ..…Does not understand German.”

(5) “Alfonzo Gario.... Is a native of Spain…The shrill voice was that of an Englishman-is sure of this. Does not understand English language, but judges by the intonation”.

(6) “Alberto Montani... Could not make out the words of the shrill voice....Think it the voice of a Russian.... Is an Italian. Never conversed with a native of Russia”.

To make it clear, the testimony should be restructured in the following table;

Order Nationality of Witnesses Language    of    the murder

1 Frenchman Spanish

2 Frenchman Italian, neither French nor the language spoken by  the two deceased

3 Dutchman French

4 Englishman German (not understand

German, was sure not the

voice of an Englishman)

5 Spaniard English (has no

knowledge of English,

judged by intonation)

6 Italian Russian (never conversed

with a native of Russia)

(XiaoQingzhi 2006)

In order to make clear who the real murderer is, Dupin first judges the shrill voice through six witnesses from five countries. At last, Dupin made two inferences.

    a  The shrill voice was not like the voice of man.

    b  The man in question knew the voice of man. And the murderer was probably not man.

It is like cross word, there is only one right answer, how to eliminate? However, Poe's order and logic lies in the way of his text arranging and process and method of reasoning in case solving. The rational analysis is like a dedicate net, only need to resolve it one step by step. From the context, we appreciate the remarkable ability of Dupin in analyzing the cases through precise and meticulous inference. That’s to say, from a series of cancellation of reasoning, he deduces that the murderer was not belong to human being. Chronicling a search for explanation and solution, the detective story typically unfolds as a kind of puzzle or game. If the reader failed to follow Dupin’s guide in the rational labyrinth, the reader may get lost on the way to the finally truth. Nothing is more fascinating than an unsolved puzzle, the analysis of the unknown language is the highlight of the story, when the reader rack their brains to solve the problem, the grotesque case begins to show it’s enchantment of suspense.

3 The Contrast of the Main Characters

3.1 Dupin vs. Narrator

Readers may not clear how Poe arrange his plot and the methods Dupin used to in the process of reasoning since it is convinced that Dupin is skillful  in logical reasoning and with the help of “I”, “I” explore how to solve a crime through a rigorous process of rational thought and detection. At the beginning, “I” play a role as an introducer, introduce Dupin to all readers. Without “I”, Dupin’s excellent reasoning won’t be shown to reader, and the reader may be unable to appreciate the beauty of solving the suspense. Because of a lack of common knowledge between the writer and the reader, the reader may not clearly understand the thoughts, before the case of the murder in the Rue Morgue, the talk between ‘I’ and Dupin reveals Dupin’s talent of reasoning. It enriches the whole story and gives a sense that Dupin’s ideal is relievable. Broking the rule that one story only can describe one case, before the investigat ion, the reader’s brain are already for it---the big suspense. “I”--the narrator--function as a questioner and Dupin--the amateur investigator--an interpreter for questioning and interpreting clues and solutions to the crimes. “My” ignorance highlights Dupin’s talented ability. The reason that I fail to infer the truth of the crime is that I lack the common background knowledge with Dupin which makes Dupin explain all the details in case solving. However, if “I” had the equal intelligence with Dupin, “I” would infer the truth and it will be unnecessary to explain the process of case solving and the reader will be puzzled at the result of the case. So “I” also serve the function of contacting the reader.

However, this is only one of the interpretations. The lives of the two characters seem so close and singular that Poe might very well be writing about two parts of the same person. Like Poe himself, this is an extremely divided and contradictory self. The “Dupin” part appears so collected, confident, and cocky that the “narrator” part seems inquisitive, inferior and slow in comparison. For example, being the admirer of Dupin’s ratiocinative capability, he narrator would rather give himself up to Dupin’s wild whims with a perfect abandon. On the other hand, Dupin talks to the narrator in a critical and condescending manner as he remarks, “I know not what impression I may have made, so far, upon your understanding”. In addition, during their visit to the Rue Morgue, Dupin asks the narrator several times if he has seen anything “peculiar” and the repeated “no” answers make the narrator appear rather stupid and short sight to give prominence to Dupin’s super talent.

3.2 Dupin vs. the Police

In The Murders in the Rue Morgue, the brutal murder of the two women stirs up the city of Paris completely, as we can see from the report of the local evening paper, “A murder so mysterious, and so perplexing in all its particulars, was never before committed in Paris, if indeed a murder has been committed at all”. What is worse, before Dupin involves himself in this murder case no one knows how to discover the truth and restore order, as the narrator observes, “I could merely agree with all Paris in considering them an insoluble mystery? I saw no means by which it would be possible to trace the murderer”. In the story, the investigative abilities of the police are handicapped because their thinking is restricted by the details and facts supplied by the evidence. The police were baffled by the murder case and regarded it as an insoluble mystery. The genteel but impoverished Dupin and “I” offer their services to the police and, through a brilliant interpretation of the clues at the scene, in the end it is Dupin’s superb detective power that uncovers the truth and restores order in Paris: the animal perpetrator, the orangutan, is recaptured by the sailor and sold to a Botanical Garden, and the innocent Le Bon is instantly released by the Prefect of Police. Compare to the Dupin, the police are mediocre and incompetent.

After defeating the Prefect of Police “in his own castle” by rising above trivial dualities, Dupin ascribes the Prefect’s failure to his being “all head and no body”. The story ends with a very interesting quote from Rousseau's La Nouvelle Héloise: “To deny what is, and explain what is not”—which Poe uses to comment on the way the Prefect conducts his duty. This quotation echoes Hamlet’s “to be or not to be” by combining presence and absence: “To deny (absence) what is(presence),and explain(the presence of explanation in the positive sense)what is not(absence). The intertwining of presence and absence leaves us plenty of philosophical room to review the story, especially the role the Prefect plays in solving the mystery.

4. Conclusion

As the father of detective fiction, Poe invented the detective story whose primary interest lies in the methodical discovery, by rational means, of the exact circumstances of a mysterious event or series of events. Poe not only initiates the detective fiction but also the narrative pattern; case-spying-reasoning-solving and the triangle     relationship: detective-narrator-vulgar police which have inspired countless imitators who have followed his footsteps. The creation of suspense atmosphere is vital for detective stories. As a case study, this thesis has focused on the suspense atmosphere of the murders in the rue morgue.

From the context, we appreciate the remarkable ability of Dupin in analyzing the cases through precise and meticulous inference. That’s to say, from a series of reasoning, he deduces that the murderer was not belong to human being. Chronicling a search for explanation and solution, the detective fiction typically unfolds as a kind of puzzle or game. The story reveals Poe’s technique in suspense atmosphere creation. However, this paper is just an initial job for the study of detectives but an applicable one and it expects a better and complete research in this aspect.


I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to present my sincere thanks to all my teachers in the Zhejiang University of Science and Technology from whose excellent, instructive lectures I have benefited a great deal in the writing of this thesis.

  My heart-felt gratitude should be especially given to my supervisor, Professor MengDong, who spent much energy and time and patiently gave me suggestions in every draft of the thesis. Her insightful suggestions, luminous directions and constant encouragement lead to the accomplishment of the thesis.

    The last but not the least, my thanks should also go to the library of Zhejiang University and the Data Room of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology where I obtained valuable books and journals which are much useful to my present thesis.


 [1] Haycraft.Cited in Murder for Pleasure:The Life and Times of the Detective Story[M],Howard.Biblo-Moser,1968.

. New York: Gordian Press,1966.

[3] Meyers,Jeffrey. Edgar Allan Poe:His Life and Legacy[M].New York:Charles Scribner’s Sons,1992.

[4] 爱伦•坡著,陈良廷,徐汝椿,马爱农译.爱伦•坡短篇小说集[M].北京:人民文学出版社,1988。

[5] 爱伦•坡著,曹明伦译.怪异故事集[M].北京:北京燕山出版社, 2000。

[6] 姜吉林.浅论爱伦.坡侦探小说的叙事模式[J],《鲁行经院学报》2003(2)。

[7] 辜鸿铭•中国人的精神[M]•北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2000。

[8] 宁倩.美国文学名家[M].哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社,1983。

[9] 于薇. 爱伦•坡小说中的悬念和象征[J]. 黑龙江教育学院学报. 2006(12)。

[10] 辜鸿铭.中国人的精神[M]•北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2000。

[11] 沈行华.试论“毛格街血案”的心理分析主题[J].南昌职业技术师范学院学报,1996 (4)

[12] 肖青芝.语用预设和爱伦•坡的推理小说[A].  西南交通大学,2006。

[13] 于新志. 爱伦•坡文学创作的超前意识[J]零陵师范高等专科学校学报,2002(1)。

[14] 张艳.论爱伦•坡恐怖小说的重复模式[J].理论和创新, 2000(6)。



天津小升初语文试卷真题一、阅读积累。( 75 分)

(一)填空题。( 25分)








》《三借 》等。



,是哺育一切生灵的 乳 汁,它好像有德行。水没有一定的形状,或方或 长,流必 向下,和顺温柔,它好像有情义。水穿穿 山岩,凿凿石壁,从无惧色,它好像有志向。万物入水,必能必能 垢,它好像 ……由此看来,水是真君子啊!







____ ______。 ——《将进酒》

(二)选择题。( 8 分)


乌江自刎”这两个词语都是讲关于( )的故事。

A、项梁 B、宋义 C、项羽



A、《羊脂球》 B、《巴黎圣母院》 C、《我的叔叔于勒》



A、用青铜制作成的葵花 B、绘画作品葵花 C、种植了一大块葵花地



A、汉朝名将霍去病 B、汉朝名将李广  C、三国名将赵云



A、赤壁大战 B、草船借箭 C、三顾茅庐 D、负荆请罪



A 弗恩 B、威尔伯 C、夏洛 D、戈博



A、品行太坏 B、成绩太差 C、不尊敬父母



A、一年 B、一个月 C、半年

(三)判断题。(正确的在后面括号里打“ √ ”,错误的打“ ×” 10 分 )


季羡林被誉为“学界泰斗”。( )


( )


( )


( )




( )


( )


他目光敏锐,思维严密而独特,是跨时代的名侦探。 ( )


( )


( )

(四)阅读短文,完成练习。( 32 分)

短文一( 10分 ):





___________、___________、___________ 和___________这几种形态。(4分)



A总-分 B 分-总 C总-分-总 D 时间先后



短文二( 22 分):








用 “毫不犹豫”写一句话_____ _______。(4分)







______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4、短文通过________________和_________________这两件事,告诉人们_____________________________ __。(4分)



__________________________________________________________ _




二、习作表达。( 25 分)

















乳汁 或方或长 流必向下 和顺温柔

山岩 石壁 从无惧色 荡涤污垢 善施教化






2、B 3、A 4、B


6、B 7、A 8、A



2、× 3、× 4、√ 5、√


7、√ 8、√ 9、× 10、×






刚刚绽放 盛开着的 花瓣凋谢
























・文化艺术杨希:论飞散视角下木心的创作 这是“我”在美国生活中的一个小笑料,反映了美国女人们对外表礼仪的重视,也反映了现代社会大城市生活的拥挤与不便。



















中国古代背景的《七日之粮》出自《公羊传》中《宋人及楚人平》,春秋时期楚庄王围攻宋国,楚军只剩下七日的粮食,楚国大夫司马子反和宋国大夫华元相互刺探情报得知宋国已是“易子而食”的地步, 司马子反说服楚庄王退兵的故事。原故事在中国古代的评价褒贬不一,君子赞扬两位大夫为百姓着想,而有的人认为大夫私下讲和有违国君的权威。在木心的笔下这篇小说以第三人称司马子反的视角描写,侧重司马子反的心理刻画,心理刻画正是西方小说的长处。故事以月亮开头以月亮结尾,全文笼罩在月色下,增添了东方神秘的韵味。木心在原故事的基础上虚构了司马子反把一半粮食留给宋城的情节,这体现了西方的人道主义精神和人文关怀,同时这也是中国传统儒家思想中“仁爱”的思想,正如这个故事中所说的“君子见人之厄则矜之,小人见人之厄则幸之”的仁者爱人、兼爱非攻思想,中国文化和西方文化的交汇就在对人的尊重、关爱上。而木心的这篇小说就把西方的人道与东方的仁爱思想通过运用西方小说技巧表达出来,中西文化是相通的。







木心对中西两种文化的理解是:“所谓东方,中国才是代表,补给西方,正是对的,因为西方最缺的就是中国的东西:含蓄, 以弱制胜。东方西方要是真的相通,文明才开始。可是要唤醒东方,中国,非得西方来理解”[6]木心熟悉西方经典又有中国文化的底蕴,他的作品体现了中西文化的相通性,展示了现代文化的整体性特点。东方和西方是相互对话的关系,现代文化不是“中心论”,不是以一方为尊贵一方卑微,而是相互吸收他人的优点成为世界文化家园。而木心对人类在现代社会中面临的一系列问题的书写体现出深远的慈悲关怀和人文精神。



[2][3]木心. 1983―1998年航程纪要[M]//鱼丽之宴.桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2007:109,117.


关键词: 西班牙语专业 低年级 泛读教材 选择和使用


















《新西班牙语故事》(Nuevas narraciones espa?olas)是一套让阅读变得很轻松的一套丛书,一共是四本,也分初、中、高、特级。丛书全都围绕一个叫托维斯(Tobías)主人公展开,每本包含五十个小故事,短小精悍,趣味无穷,有很典型的西班牙式的幽默。这套丛书出版较新,其中有一些非常实用地道的西班牙表达方式。每篇文章后也有一些词组句型的西语解释,还有一些设计的问题,但最有意义的是从文章延伸出的可供学生讨论的话题。


《短篇阅读故事》(Historias breves para leer),这套书有初级、中级和高级三本,故事比《新西班牙语故事》中的略长,每篇大概有1500个词,但都比较简单。适合在大一下和大二上使用,而且因为篇后有很多关于语法、词法的练习,这套书籍适合做课堂上的快速阅读练习。






从语言本身来说,这是最适合低年级学生的泛读读物。但是从内容上来说,有的时候会稍显幼稚。需要选择一些语言简单,但思想性丰富的作品。总结使用过的一些材料,有这些推荐:关于一个戴眼镜男生小马诺林(Manolito Gafotas)的系列故事,女作家埃尔维拉(Elvira Lindo)为这个人物一共创作了七本小说,这个系列都适合低年级的学生阅读,语言幽默,而且口语化。曾经获得过西班牙行星奖(Premio Planeta)和纳达尔奖(Premio Nadal)的女作家安娜・玛利亚(Ana María Matute)的儿童文学作品也比较适合二年级的学生阅读,虽然是讲述以儿童为主人公的小说,但其中刻画的却是孩子的残忍和无知,具有深刻的思想性。其中如长篇《尤利西斯号的偷渡客》(El polizón del Ulises),短篇如《干枯的树枝》(La rama seca)等都是很好的浅易读物。








关键词: 动态对等翻译理论 《狄公案》 归化


奈达是当代杰出的美国语言学家和翻译学家。在二十世纪六十年代,他提出了翻译的动态对等理论。奈达把这一理论定义为:Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source——language message,first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.“翻译是用最恰当、自然和对等的语言从语义到文体再现源语的信息”(郭建中,2000,P65)。在《翻译理论和实践》(奈达和塔伯,1969)中,他进一步定义动态对等为:译语中的信息接受者对译文信息的反映应该与源语接受者对原文的反应程度相同,也就是说,翻译始终是为读者服务的。奈达提出了翻译的四个标准:(1)传达信息;(2)传达原作的精神风貌;(3)语言顺畅自然,完全符合译语规范和惯例;(4)读者反映类似。然而要达到这四个标准,内容和形式之间就会发生矛盾。奈达认为信息对等优于形式对应。他主张从译文接受者角度,而不是从译文形式角度看待翻译,所以判断译文质量的标准最终基于三个方面:能使接受者正确理解原文信息;易于理解;形式适当,吸引接受者。翻译时不应求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。奈达可以说是归化的代表人物,动态对等理论对中西翻译界产生了深远的影响。


当欧美等国兴起“福尔摩斯热”时,1949年在中国的荷兰外交家、汉学家和侦探小说家高罗佩(Robert Van Gulik)根据清初公案小说《武则天四大奇案》中的一些原型用英语创作了《铜钟案》。出版后大获成功。随后高罗佩又写了《迷宫案》、《黄金案》、《铁钉案》等,与《铜钟案》合成一组,即为初期的《狄公案》,非常受广大西方读者欢迎。1952年,高罗佩以《狄仁杰奇案》为书名,用中文把《中国迷宫命案》改写成章回体小说。这本小说共有52回。从1954年至1967年,他又用英文撰写了《中国潮中案》、《漆屏风》等十几个中短篇小说,这些小说组成了130万字的鸿篇巨制——《狄公案》。《狄公案》的英文名字是Judge Dee,出版后立即征服了西方读者,在欧洲风行一时。“Judge Dee”(狄公)从此成为欧洲家喻户晓的传奇人物,成了西方人心目中的“中国的福尔摩斯”,最后,中国译者陈来元、胡明自八十年代起模仿宋元白话风格,将高罗佩的《狄公案》译成中文,引入国内,颇受欢迎。由于译者改写得惟妙惟肖,以至于很多人都以为《狄公案》原本就是中国古典小说,而非荷兰人高罗佩的作品。陈来元、胡明的中文版《狄公案》能够吸引大批中国读者的原因在于他们在翻译的过程中并没有刻板地遵循字字对应的形式一致,而是非常灵活地对译文进行了相应的调整,满足了中国读者的要求,造成了文本信息传递的顺畅,实现了动态对等,使读者产生了相似的反应效果。

















