公务员期刊网 精选范文 英语故事范文





A Lion and a mouse One fine day in spring,a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the sun.

Surprisingly what he thought to be grass was actually Lion's mane.The lion awoke from his nap and shouted.

What a luck!I was hungry and a mouse is in front of me!I should eat you!

Please,Lion!Don't eat me!If you just let me go,I wouldn't forget this!

What???You will repay me?

The Lion laughed at the mouse.But he pitied the mouse,he set the mouse free.

After several days,the Lion was caught in a hunter's net.

I'll be dead.He sobbed.

Lion!Don't cry,I'l help you!

The mouse cut the net with his sharp teeth.

When the Lion was set free,he shed tears and said,thank you,mouse.I'm sorry I sneered at you.

The Lion and the mouse became good friends.


















boss,n,老板,音“饱死”。 worker,n,工人,音“饿客”。工人们不要不平衡,老板会撑而“饱死”,工人是“饿客”,饿,不一定死。或者说,饱死老板,饿死员工,与老板殊途同归。








commissar,n.,代表, 政委,音“靠弥撒”。弥撒是天主教的一种宗教仪式,用面饼和葡萄酒表示耶稣的身体和血来祭祀天主。西方的军队有随军神甫,相当于政委吧,靠弥撒做思想政治工作吧。




talk,v,谈话, 谈论, 议论,n ,谈话。音“套客”。解:中国人谈话先客套,外国人真接就套客,小心哪。


Terrible adj. 很糟的, 极坏的, 可怕的,音:“抬若爆”。解:一抬就能爆炸的东西,如定时炸弹,一定是可怕的。

We saw a terrible storm. 我们遇到了一场可怕的风暴。


Horrible adj. 恐怖的;可怕的,音“嚎若爆”。解:嚎叫声若爆炸一样大,如狮虎,远离为妙。There was a horrible accident here yesterday. 昨天在这里发生了一起可怕的事故。


Sweep,vt., vi。( 常与up连用)扫,扫除;清扫;掠过。音:“四围泼”。解:四围泼一泼水,扫地不会扬尘士。The waves swept the deck. 波浪扫过甲板。









square,n,正方形,广场,音“四拐哦”。多数广场都是有四个拐角的方形广常 天-安-门广场说四个拐哦。












LET'S GO TO CHINA, OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO. That a time called the "Period of the Warring States." Seven kings from seven different states warred fiercely with each other, each one hungry to take the power and land from his neighbor. From time to time, the states grew tired of war. In such times they sent messengers to negotiate treaties of peace. Such times of peace always felt uneasy for the people. For they knew war could break out at any time. The weakest of the seven states was Han, and the strongest of the seven was Chu.

One day a court official who served at the smallest of the seven states, the Kingdom of Han, purchased a beautiful piece of jade1 from a stranger. When the court official took it to a jade expert to have it appraised2, the expert said, "This is no ordinary piece of jade that you brought to me. This is none other than the legendary3 Jade Treasure! Do you see its marvelous color? There's no piece of jade in all the carved vases, bowls, or ornaments4 of any palace of any king that compares to this stone. And the Jade Treasure has other virtues5, too. It can shine in the dark. It can keep a room warm in winter and cool in summer. It even repels6 insects. You must always guard this - indeed, this is a magnificent, priceless treasure!"

News travels fast. The King of Han heard of the wonderful Jade Treasure that had been obtained by one of his court officials, and sent word that he wanted to see it. The court official was worried when he heard this. Surely the King of Han would find a way to take it away from him. Perhaps he should escape with the jade treasure before the day he was supposed to go see the King?

"That would not be wise, sir," said one of his houseguests, a young man named Gan. "The King will surely hunt you down. You will lose the stone and your life, too. Instead, I suggest you offer the Jade Treasure to the King outright7, as a gift."

So the court official offered the King of Han the wonderful Jade Treasure. The King was delighted with the magnificent stone and promoted the court official to be chamberlain of the royal court.

Soon the King of Chu, whose land was the strongest of the seven states, heard that the King of Han had in his possession the legendary Jade Treasure.

"I cannot believe this!" cried the King of Chu. "We are the strongest state - we should have this matchless stone for our own! Send a message at once to the King of Han that he must sell it to me and that I will pay 15 cities for it."

"Fifteen cities?" said one of his mandarins in surprise. "That is quite a lot - a generous price to pay!"

"Not at all," smiled the King of Chu, stroking his beard. "The envoy9 from Han will bring us the jade. Once we have it, who will remember if we ever said anything about 15 cities? And if we don't deliver the 15 cities after we have the jade, what can Han do about it, anyway?"

"Ah, yes!" said the mandarin8. He hastened to do the king's bidding.

Now when the King of Han received the message from the King of Chu with the demand that he must sell the stone for the price 15 cities, he was worried. Certainly fifteen cities was a good price. But what if the King of Chu simply kept the precious stone and didn't deliver the cities as promised? What choice would that leave the King of Han? If he protested that the King of Chu had broken his word, that could easily be an excuse for the King of Chu to invade the Kingdom of Han, and that's a war that his kingdom could not win against the mighty10 Chu. On the other hand, was he to just hand over his wonderful new national treasure?

As he was debating the pros11 and cons12 of the troubling situation, his newly promoted chamberlain said, "Sir, my houseguest Gan has proved in the past to be wise beyond his years. Allow me to summon him and let's hear his advice."

So Gan was summoned.

"My glorious King," answered Gan, "the stone must be surrendered for the good of your subjects. Otherwise the King of Chu will invade us and destroy us. Yet we need not despair. Let me be your envoy. Entrust13 the Jade Treasure to my care. May my life be forfeited14 if I do not return the jewel to you, if the King of Chu refuses to keep his word."

So Gan's journey would have the best luck possible, the entire court fasted for three days, as was the custom in those times to launch a journey with the most favorable prospects15. At the end, they hosted a grand feast to as a send-off to his journey to the kingdom of Chu. The young man Gan, with great reverence16, wrapped the Jade Treasure in an embroidered17 silk covering, tucked it inside an even richer silk pouch18, and placed the silk pouch in a pocket inside his robe.

Accompanied by a noble train of attendants, he set out on his journey. When he arrived at the kingdom of Chu, the King welcomed him and his entourage. They were entertained and feasted with all honor.

When the time came for Gan to present the Jade Treasure to the King of Chu, the young man approached the throne, took out the richly embroidered silk covering, unwrapped the priceless Jade Treasure and offered it to the King of Chu to examine. The stone gleaned19 and shone with mesmerizing20 radiance. After admiring the Jade Treasure, the King of Chu passed it onto his officials who immediately congratulated him for securing such a priceless gem21. The King of Chu ordered his servant to take the Jade Treasure to his other court attendants and show it to them.

Gan waited for a long time. He waited and waited. But the Jade Treasure was not returned to the king's table. No mention had been made of the 15 cities.

Seeing that the King of Chu had mentioned nothing about the 15 cities, Gan said, "Sire, there is a flaw in the Jade Treasure. Please allow me to show it to you."

The King of Chu quickly ordered his servant to bring the jade back to Gan.

Once the stone was safely in Gan's hands, he took several steps backward until he was next to a pillar. "We came in good faith," he said, "because you offered Han fifteen cities. My king fasted for three days and set me off with a grand ceremony to take the Jade Treasure to you. If you are acting22 in good faith, you, too, will fast for three days and arrange a grand ceremony for me to hand over this Jade Treasure to you before all your court. If not, I will smash this pillar with the stone right now. I will be destroyed, so will you, and so will the Jade Treasure!"

The King rushed forward, "What is this rash talk? Of course we were planning a ceremony just as the one you describe. We were already planning to fast for three days, then to have the ceremony."

Each morning for the next three days, the King of Chu sent a servant to check that Gan still held the Jade Treasure. In the meantime, Gan sent one of his attendants in disguise to see what was really going on in the palace. He found out that there was no fast at all, but a mad scrambling23 to make preparations for the hastily arranged ceremony. On the morning of the event, after the servant of the King of Chu had checked to see that Gan still had the Jade Treasure, Gan sent his most trusted servant back home with the stone.

At the event, when it came time for Gan to hand over the wonderful Jade Treasure, he said, "O King, surely you must understand our hesitation24 when we came in good faith with the wonderful Jade Treasure and you did not even talk about the 15 cities as promised. Your state is strong; ours is weak. I had no choice but to send my attendant back to Han with the Jade Treasure. No doubt he is already halfway25 back home."

All gasped26. "This is an outrage27!" cried the King of Chu, jumping up. "We fasted for three days and planned this ceremony just as you said. Now you tell us you are not keeping your side of the bargain!"

"Kill me if you wish," said Gan. "My life is in your hands. Only know that I am the only one who knows the route my attendant has taken and can direct you to him if you choose. If you want to bring with you the deeds to the 15 cities I will accompany you to my attendant now. He will give you the Jade Treasure and you can deliver the deeds to the cities at the same time. If this is not agreeable to you, pour me into a cauldron of boiling oil if you wish. Let the other states decide who was right and who was wrong when they hear you have executed the messenger from the smallest kingdom of Han."

The King of Chu knew that killing28 Gan could inflame29 the other states to team up and make to war against him. Though his state was no doubt the strongest of the seven and would surely defeat the small kingdom of Han in battle, if several other states were to joined in a combined effort against him, who could tell what the result would be? Besides, he didn't have the 15 deeds of the cities ready because, as he had never intended to deliver them, they had never been prepared.

Thinking quickly, the King of Chu laughed. He said, "Ah, you must know that I planned this entire affair as a test to see how your state would react. I had no intention of killing you, of course, or even ending up with that silly piece of jade. I wanted only to see the quality of how your kingdom of Han handles negotiations30. You have performed honorably, congratulations! Stay for our banquet - we have a fine feast prepared in any event - and return in peace to your homeland tomorrow."


很多的英语启蒙教育是从学字母开始的。在中国人眼中极其简单的26个英语字母,在英语国家的孩子们却要用一年的学校教育时间来系统地学习。事实上,26个英文字母有两种属性,一种是字母本身的名字,叫做Letter Name;一种是字母的发音,叫做Letter Sound。而后者才是字母学习的重点。因为音和字母的对应、音和单词的对应、音和实物的对应,都是靠音(Sound)来连接的。针对这一点,我们应该在英语26个字母的学习上及时作出调整。

一、单词和Letter Sound

英文字母歌除了我们耳熟能详的那首以外,还有别的唱法。歌词大概是这样的:A says a,A says a,apple apple a a a. B says b,B says b,bag bag bag b b b... Z says z,Z says z,zebra zebra zebra z z z.在这首字母歌中,大小写的字母发音完全不同。大写字母是字母本身的名字(Letter Name),而小写字母代表着字母的发音(Letter Sound)。当然这里的单词我们是可以替换的。比如我们改成A says a,A says a,tape tape tape a a a.等。通过这样的儿歌以及儿歌中多变的单词,我们能够了解到一个字母可以有很多不同的发音(Sound)。我们还可以在生活中寻找带有某种特定发音的实物,用实物来强化它对应的单词、对应的Letter Sound以及对应的Letter Name。如在家中寻找带有f这个音的家具,我们可以找到fridge,sofa,fireplace等,然后我们再回忆一下这些单词中的f这个字母的名字是F。

二、实物图片和Letter Sound

中国孩子学26个英语字母并不像汉语拼音那么顺利。细想一下我们会发现,在孩子开始学习汉语拼音的时候都是和对应的图片结合起来的。如学习yuè的时候会对应一幅月亮的图片,通过图片来强化汉语拼音的学习。语言的学习是相通的,那么在英语字母学习中,我们也可以通过图片来强化其读音(Sound)。当我们学习字母D时,我们可以利用一张鸭子的图片,让学生读:D is for duck(鸭子图片),d d d.这样一方面能复习字母的名字(Name),一方面能形象化这个单词,再一方面强调字母的发音(Sound)。我们还可以让学生做在一堆图片中找出含有d这个音的图片的练习,学生很快就能找出鼓(drum)的图片、洋娃娃(doll)的图片、课桌(desk)的图片等。这个游戏还可以换成另外一个形式,在几幅图中判断,给含有读音d的图片打√,给不含有读音d的图片打×。如判断以下6幅图中是否含有A a:苹果(apple)√;蚂蚁(ant)√;太阳(sun)×;斧子(axe)√。

三、Phonics和Letter Sound

意识到Letter Sound的重要性、正确地学习26个字母之后,我们就能做到“见词会读、听音会写”,这就是所谓的自然拼读法(Phonics)。英语国家的孩子都不学音标,而是通过以上讲述的方法在学习字母的同时灌输Letter Sound。在Letter Sound的学习过程中逐步学习拼读规则,然后再在大量的阅读中巩固强化这些规则。Phonics的三个要素是Letter(字母)、Sound(音)和Blending(拼写)。在我们了解26个英文字母背后的故事之后,我们就可以用Letter Sound来进行一些简单的单词拼读,比如p-i-g pig.


Lan and Fred were boys. They were both twelve years old, and they were in the same clain their school. Last Friday afternoon they had a fight in class, and their teacher was very angry. He said to both of them, “Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a thousand times.” After the last lesson, all the other boys went home, but Lan and Fred stayed in the classroom with their teacher and begin writing their names.

Then Fred began crying.

The teacher looked at him and said,” Why are you crying, Fred?”

“Because his name’s Lan May, and mine’s Frederick Hollingsworth,” Fred said.






“因为他的名字是Lan May, 而我的名字确是Frederick Hollingsworth,”富雷得回答道。

she kindled a third match. again shot up the flame; and now she was sitting under a most beautiful christmas tree ,far larger, and far more prettily decked out, than the one she had seen last christmas eve through the gladoors of the rich merchant's house. hundreds of wax-tapers lighted up the green branches, and tiny painted figures, such as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down from the tree upon her. the child stretched out her hands towards them in delight, and in that moment the lights of the match warm quenched; still, however, the christmas candles burned higher and higher, she beheld them beaming like stars in heaven; one of them fell, the lights streaming behind it like a long, fiery tail.

“now some one is dying,” said the little girl, softly, (for she had been told by her old grandmother, the only person who had ever been kind to her, and who was now dead that whenever a star falls an immortal spirit returns to the god who gave it.

she struck yet another match against the wall; it flamed up, and surrounded by its light, appeared before her that same dear grandmother, gentle and loving as always, but bright and happy as she had never looked during her lifetime.







































[1]胡广宇.数字化故事叙述在初中英语课程中的应用[J]. 中学英语园地(教学指导).2012(13)



1.微课与故事教学法的联系 教师可以在英语课程中运用“故事教学法”授课,这样不仅能够让小学生对英语微课设计感兴趣,同时也能够吸引学生的注意力,使学生的英语水平得到进一步的提升。这样的教学方式是将故事作为整个课堂的重点,通过多种形式的英语来表现故事,发挥了故事教学法在英语教学中的重要性。故事教学法是将故事教学形式与英语微课相结合,改变了传统的教学模式,也使小学英语教学获得了更多的资源。

2.微课的特点 微课教学的模式不同于普通的教学视频模式,微课教学里的“微”字表现在教学视频内容非常简短且浓缩,但所包含的内容却很丰富。微课教学的模式非常灵活,可以帮助学生很快地理解课程的内容。近几年里,随着新课改的发展已有很多微课产品出现在教学课堂内,微课的教学理念、教学模式、教学设计等都对普通的教学课堂有一定的借鉴作用。所以,可以认为,微课的教学模式就是将现实的新课程提出的教学任务和目标,通过视频教学的方式传授学生知识。


1.前期准备阶段 在对微课设计操作之前,要对小学英语教学课程中的内容进行有效的选取,可以把选取出的内容当作微课设计的重点内容,再为重点内容准备相关资料:首先要明确微课设计内容的教学目标,是要将选取出内容的有关知识点制作成教育性故事教学视频,以此来提升英语教学的效果;其次,再对所有学生的特点进行分析,要了解小学生叛逆和渴望被肯定的心理特点;最后,要对教学的知识点进行分析,要把教学内容的难点、重点表现在微课设计方案中,以便学生更好地理解重难点内容。以牛津版小学英语“Unit 9 What's the matter?”为例子,教师在设计脚本时要以What's the matter?为主要内容进行设计。故事中,Zhao Xiao坐在沙发上,出现一系列对话:

Mum:Come and have some cakes,zhao xiao.

Zhao xiao:I'm not hungry,I'm thirsty.

Dad:Here's a glass of water for you.

Zhao xiao:Thank you Dad.


2.具体设计阶段 这一阶段主要是将微课设计分为四个部分:运用计算机技术将图片以及声音等素材进行处理、以寓教于乐为目的对故事情节进行设计、通过道具和书本知识等录制视频、以话剧为原稿对批处理文件进行制作。通过对这四个部分的操作,最终可以将有关的教学内容制作成故事性教学视频,从而使英语教学得到有效的发展。如在“Unit 9 What's the matter?”中出现的hungry,cake,thirty三个单词,教师可以运用道具,让学生根据单词辨认道具形式来学习。因此,在微课与故事教学法结合时,还要激发学生学习的兴趣和互动性,这就要求教师在微课设计时,要使画面生动形象,也要使道具与单词相匹配。



1.英语微课教学的理论基础 微课教学主要将理论基础分为三种:第一,构建主义理论。构建主义理论是要求教师在教学的过程中要以学生为主,帮助学生运用相关的学习材料,让学生在自主学习时获得更多的知识。如,学生在学习关于环境变化等系列的单词时,就可以运用故事动画的形式把单词展现出来,可以设定人物进入不同的环境,让学生通过故事情节和直观的影响有效地认识单词的意思。这种方法可以使学生在观看故事情节时学习到新的知识,从而达到教学的目的。第二,情境学习理论。情境学习理论主要强调的是情境,由于知识能受到文化或是相关的情境的影响,所以,学习的内容可以与生活中的情境相联系。那么,就可以运用视频的形式展示出一个人一天的生活情境,更好地让学生融入生活环境,能够了解视屏中出现人物的真实心态,从而也就会了解人物所说的每句话想表达的意思。在情境设计中场景一定要真实,确保学生能更好地学习。第三,马斯洛需求层次理论。理论是要求对所学教材的内容进行相应的色彩装饰,并在此过程以游戏的形式进行讲解,教师可以运用循环的方式缓解学生对学习的压力,从而提高小学生对学习的积极性。

2.故事法在微课教学中的应用方法 传统的教学学习时间较长,易使小学生对其产生恐惧的心理。单一的教学形式不能很好地让小学生注意力集中,也不能提高学生对英语的兴趣。所以,要对传统的教学形式进行改变,在微课教学时可以引进故事教学,选取相关的故事情境,融入知识点,从而达到寓教于乐的教学目的。

课程故事情节设计,英语微课教学效果的好坏是由故事情境教学决定的。例如:教师在进行英语教课时可以把班级学生作为故事的主人公,把学生的照片做成头像展示在教学视频中,这样使学生注意力集中,认真听课。教师可以指着出现在视频中的女生提问:“Who’s she?”学生会很快地回答出来。教师可以说:“大家原来认识她,那你们算是老朋友了吗?”同学回答时会说:“He is my old friends.”这种形式的教学很容易调动学生对学习的积极性。





【文章编号】1006-2831(2012)08-0112-3 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-2831.2012.03.029

1 河源职业技术学院英语教育专业的“顶岗实习,置换培训”的实施情况



2 “顶岗实习,置换培训”中小学英语故事教学模式的实践




课堂教学应该以兴趣为支点(inte rest—focused)。笔者以此作为小学英语教学的原则,引导实习生积极进行有效的教学模式尝试,真正把理论融入到实践中。实习生集思广益,尝试小学英语故事的教学模式。这一尝试得益于在校期间《英语写作》课程扎实的学习。在此课程教学中,以“做学教一体化”的模式,通过贯穿始终的mini-novel或小学英语故事集的任务编写,促使学生具备扎实的英语基础知识和较高的英语综合素养,为实践教学打下基础。







第一步:展示故事。借助身势语或板书单词等,用简单的英语引入本次故事,如:“Today we are going to have a story about myclassroom.”,以吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的积极性。


